Red Harvest Red Harvest - The Cure

Electric shocks, injections, filling me with more drugs,
Lock me up, tie me down, this is the cure that heals my mind!
Lost in a world of black, trapped within naked walls,
Is it my fear of reality, or reality's fear of me?
Am I destructive, they say I am, am I a danger to society?

Why do they keep me inside these naked walls,
Onece you're inside there's no way out,
Cuffed inside these naked walls, no-one ever hears my calls...

I cry, I beg, I pray to be free, but there's no hope in Hell for me,
Confined within, I live my life inside...

Lock me up, tie me down,
Change my will, change my soul,
Give me dope, punish me,
Hide me from reality -
The cure!

Who is the fool I say, who is the one who makes all things blow away,
Who is the one who makes all those sick decisions
And calls me a lunie, huh?

You're like mice lost in the haze, inside a world built as a maze,
You're moving on, you act so wrong,
You think it's strange I'll never cope?

Death - is your way!
Power - is your game!
Truth - you ignore!
Falseness - you obey!

I'm not the one who should be here,
You are the ones!
You are the ones!
Confined within, I live my life inside...

Lock me up, tie me down,
Change my will, change my soul,
Give me dope, punish me,
Hide me from reality -
The cure!